Dinesh Objective Biology Pdf Free Download

Dinesh Objective Biology Pdf Free Download, K.N. Bhatia and K. Bhatia’s book Dinesh Objective Biology is meant to help candidates pass the NEET, AIIMS, and other medical exams. It contains the biology test from the previous year as well as an addendum for state PMT entrance exams.

के.एन. भाटिया और के. भाटिया की पुस्तक दिनेश ऑब्जेक्टिव बायोलॉजी उम्मीदवारों को एनईईटी, एम्स और अन्य मेडिकल परीक्षाओं में उत्तीर्ण होने में मदद करने के लिए है। इसमें पिछले वर्ष की जीवविज्ञान परीक्षा के साथ-साथ राज्य पीएमटी प्रवेश परीक्षा के लिए एक परिशिष्ट भी शामिल है।

Pdf NameDinesh Objective Biology Pdf Free Download
No. Of Pages516
Pdf Size8.02 MB
SourceMr, PDF Download
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Dinesh Objective Biology Pdf Free Download


Does Dinesh Objective Biology Book benefit NEET students?

No, Dinesh’s objective biology is far from what is needed for neet, so make deliberate decisions now rather than wasting time on unneeded items.

Who is father of biology?

The father of biology is Aristotle. Another title for him is “father of zoology.” Two kingdoms, Animal and Plantae, were created. The topics covered in “Aristotle’s biology” include embryogenesis, temperature regulation, and metabolism.

Which four concepts make up biology?

There are five fundamental concepts that underpin biology as it exists today. These include the laws of thermodynamics, evolution, gene theory, cell theory, and homeostasis.

Dinesh Objective Biology Pdf Free Download
Dinesh Objective Biology Pdf Free Download

What are the branches of biology?

There are three primary branches,

  1. Botany – In This Plants are studied.  
  2. Zoology- It deals with the study of animals.
  3. Microbiology – In this we study about microorganisms.

What four biological facts are there?

1. Bacteria may be the most ancient form of life on Earth, dating back up to 3.5 billion years.

2. The human body is made up of over one trillion cells.

3. The human brain contains about 100 billion neurons.

4. An individual sheds approximately 600,000 skin particles each hour on average.

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