108 Names Of Lord Shiva Pdf – Free Download

108 Names Of Lord Shiva Pdf, In Hinduism, Lord Shiva is referred to as the god of change and destruction. Along with Brahma, the creator, and Vishnu, the preserver, he is also a member of the Trinity. Shiva is frequently portrayed as a yogi who is seated in meditation at Mount Kailash, his home in the Himalayas.

हिंदू धर्म में भगवान शिव को परिवर्तन और विनाश का देवता कहा जाता है। ब्रह्मा, निर्माता और विष्णु, संरक्षक के साथ, वह त्रिमूर्ति का भी सदस्य है। शिव को अक्सर एक योगी के रूप में चित्रित किया जाता है जो हिमालय में अपने निवास स्थान, कैलाश पर्वत पर ध्यान में बैठे हैं।

Pdf Name108 Names Of Lord Shiva Pdf
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LanguageHindi & English
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108 Names Of Lord Shiva Pdf

108 Names Of Lord Shiva Pdf

What’s Shiv’s actual name?

Shiva goes by many names – Neelkanth, Shubhankar, Trilokinath “Lord of the Three Worlds”, Shankar, Shambhu, Rudra, Hara, Trilochan, Devendra (Chief of the Gods), Mahadev, Mahadev, Mahasu, Mahesh, Maheshwar, Shankar, Shambhu, and Lord of the Universe (Lord of Compassion).

What was the origin of Name Shiv?

Most people believe that Shiva descended from “Rudra”, a god who was revered in the Indus Valley during the Vedic era. Rudra was a storm deity and hunter who followed very strict rules. He was a prominent figure in the Vedic pantheon of deities.

Who are lord Shiva’s father and mother?

Goddess Parvati, sometimes referred to as Shakti or Devi, is said to be the mother of Lord Shiva, just as Lord Brahma is said to be the father of Lord Shiva. According to certain myths, Goddess Parvati is a wife and mother.

108 Names Of Lord Shiva Pdf
108 Names Of Lord Shiva Pdf – 108 Names Of Lord Shiva Pdf

Who gave Shiva his third eye?

The mythological story says that Kamadeva shot an arrow into the heart of Shiva. Shiva felt a little uncomfortable. He opened his third eye to incinerate the god of lust. Mahashivratri is a very important occasion for Shiva devotees.

What is the benefits of 108 names of Shiva?

  1. Practice of Devotion – Chanting the 108 Names is a potent way to deepen one’s relationship with the Almighty. It creates a profound spiritual connection by fostering love, awe, and devotion for Shiva.
  2. Mental purification – Chanting these sacred names raises the mind’s vibrations and helps to purify it. It promotes calmness, mental clarity, and stress reduction.
  3. Blessings – Reciting Shiva’s 108 names invokes his protection and blessings. It is thought to give devotees a sense of safety, protection from evil energies, influences, and dangers, as well as a sense of God’s grace.
  4. Destruction of Kama – Reciting Shiva’s 108 names is thought to provide spiritual release (moksha). It assists in clearing karmic debts and purifies the soul.
  5. It is thought that people who sincerely read, memorize, or recite these 108 holy names of Lord Shiva will receive his blessings and be freed from all sins.
शिव का वास्तविक नाम क्या है?

शिव को कई नामों से जाना जाता है – नीलकंठ, शुभंकर, त्रिलोकीनाथ “तीन लोकों के भगवान”, शंकर, शंभू, रुद्र, हर, त्रिलोचन, देवेन्द्र (देवताओं के प्रमुख), महादेव, महादेव, महासू, महेश, महेश्वर, शंकर, शंभू , और ब्रह्मांड के भगवान (करुणा के भगवान)।

शिव नाम की उत्पत्ति क्या हुई?

अधिकांश लोगों का मानना ​​है कि शिव “रुद्र” के वंशज हैं, जो वैदिक युग के दौरान सिंधु घाटी में पूजनीय देवता थे। रुद्र एक तूफान देवता और शिकारी थे जो बहुत सख्त नियमों का पालन करते थे। वह देवताओं के वैदिक पंथ में एक प्रमुख व्यक्ति थे।

शिव को उनकी तीसरी आँख किसने दी?

पौराणिक कहानी कहती है कि कामदेव ने शिव के हृदय में तीर मारा था। शिव को थोड़ा असहज महसूस हुआ। उन्होंने वासना के देवता को भस्म करने के लिए अपनी तीसरी आंख खोली। शिव भक्तों के लिए महाशिवरात्रि एक बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण अवसर है।

108 Names Of Lord Shiva Pdf

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